New England SIOR Chapter directors hold first meeting

May 12, 2010 - Spotlights

The New England SIOR board of directors held its first meeting of 2010 at the offices of Mark Stevens at 10 Post Office Square. The meeting was brought to order at 4:15 p.m. by Greg Klemmer, Chapter president.
The meeting was attended by the following Chapter board members: Greg Klemmer, Rob Nahigian, Bob Cleary, Garry Holmes, Don Mancini, Drew Sigfridson, Jim Boudrot, Tom Farrelly and Mark Stevens. The minutes for Dec. 9, 2009 were reviewed and accepted unanimously. New board members, Don Mancini and Drew Sigfridson were introduced as new board members.
A. Admissions and Membership: Bob Cleary
Cleary introduced Drew Sigfridson as the new co-chair of admissions.
1. Cleary reported that the Chapter had received notice from one candidate that he was pursuing the SIOR designation. He also reported that the Candidate Program will include new members: Derrick Losi from Equis and Greg Sheipets at Grubb & Ellis. They are planning to start the SIOR application process.
2. The recent Kings Bowling/Candidate's Night in Boston on March 25 was a success. There were 13 young candidates and three board members that attended the event. It was a great event and fun. It was the first time that many of the prospects had the chance to be associated with SIOR members. Of the 13 young brokers who attended, most of them were suburban brokers and a couple of city brokers.
B. Treasurer's Report: Tom Farrelly
Farrelly reviewed the income and expenses and concluded that the balance was very healthy for the Chapter. Chapter dues notices went out to 53 SIOR Chapter members in the last few weeks and only 10 SIORs have paid to date.
C. Retirement Status
The board then discussed some strategic planning for the next few years. The board wants to work on a Chapter policy on retirement. Currently SIOR National states that any member with 35 years of membership can file for retirement status. They pay $300 for national dues and may choose to pay the Chapter dues but it is voluntary unless they are actively in the business. Retiree Chapter dues are voluntary but they cannot participate in local Chapter events.
Greg Klemmer motioned to accept the SIOR National policy on retirees and charge one-third of the Chapter dues if retirees want to continue to participate in local events. The board voted unanimously to lower the Chapter dues for retirees from the current $150 to $50.
D. 2010 Chapter Activity Calendar: Jim Boudrot
Boudrot reviewed the 2010 calendar. On April 28 a Landlord Breakfast at the Newton Marriott with Joe Zink was held. Boudrot congratulated Amanda Green for her fine job with the SIOR flyers.
Turner Hill will be the site of the May 27 Golf Outing with John Cissel helping out the Chapter. Due to the recession, the Chapter did not run the event last year to the dismay of many Chapter members. June 16 NAIOP event was moved to June 17. The board discussed that the Chapter events were good for its sponsors and allowed strong face time. July and August will be another candidate night event. September is a SIOR/NEWIRE event at the Newton Indigo again as last September. Klemmer has touched base with Normandy Partners, the owners of Newton Indigo, who have agreed to sponsor the event. The Chapter needs a sponsor for the October Scholarship Night and a venue. Rob Nahigian recommended The Algonquin Club for October 7. The Chapter has a November Landlord Breakfast, a December 2 NAIOP Forecast, and a December 7 Bull N' Beer event.
E. Scholarship Night in October
Klemmer stated that in 2009 the board had four prospects for the award and decided on two co-winners. Now the board has a good pool of candidates. A separate chapter committee has been formed to vote on the winner from the nominees. Stevens stated that he liked the process and that the Candidate's Program gives the Chapter a scholarship pool. The board has six candidates at this point. Discussions on the pool of possible nominees were made. Each winner should be capped at a $2,000 scholarship value. The board felt that the nominees had to hold candidate status.
The application form was reviewed with proposed changes. The current deadline is July 15. The board wants to send out a notice to all Chapter SIOR members for any nominee recommendations. July 15 is the deadline for scholarship nominees and in August the board will vote on a winner for the October announcement.
F. New Business
1. Don Mancini stated that he had two SIOR prospects. The board discussed the two prospects.
2. Klemmer has been involved with Big Brothers and met with the Big Brothers directors during March with Tim Brodigan to see if the SIOR Chapter might play a role with this organization. Big Brothers is excited about that prospect. The board could have a Big Brother administrative person come to a Candidate Night or Bull 'N Beer and explain the prospects to the Chapter. Klemmer feels it would be good to have the Chapter associated with Big Brothers.
Klemmer motioned for adjournment at approximately 6:15 p.m., motion was seconded by Don Mancini and voted unanimously.


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