Colliers International
It’s hard to believe that 12 months have passed already. What a productive year we have had with NHCIBOR and NECPE. It has been a true team effort and we are carrying some great momentum into 2020. Thank you to all the board and committee members for the volunteer hours you commit year-round.
A special thanks to Allison Ropes, our executive officer, who puts in countless hours on our behalf, and is truly dedicated to the long-term success of NHCIBOR and NECPE.
We are closing out a year with over 630 Realtor and affiliate members, a number of sold out commercial-focused classes and trainings, a highly engaged public policy committee that keeps a watchful eye out for the CRE industry, and a growing number of networking events that are allowing our group to meet each other and do more deals together. Most importantly, those events have helped us in raising over $20,000 this year for NHCIBOR Cares, with those funds being deployed all over the state to various charitable organizations.
Our focus on the growth of our SEO and SEM for NECPE with the formation of our marketing committee is improving and listings are routinely populating further up the list in online searches of all property types. Please remember to go online and follow our LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter feeds, like and share our posts, and send us your press releases and company happenings so that we can continue to help promote what our members are doing.
The planning for 2020 and beyond is well underway, and we are excited to bring additional value to our membership with several new and improved programs and online learning opportunities. Stay posted to learn more.
Finally, please help me welcome Christian Stallkamp as our 2020 president. It has been great working with Christian this year as president-elect, and he will do an excellent job next year for NHCIBOR and NECPE.
Douglas Martin is the 2019 president of NHCIBOR, Bedford, N.H.