Estimator/Project Manager
Tecta America New England
Year you entered your current field? 2011
What do you consider to be your greatest professional accomplishment in the past 12 months? As an estimator, I’d say the greatest accomplishment is simply the amount of work we’ve been able to acquire with the help of our sales rep. We currently have an excellent back-log which is great for everyone within the company, especially to the hard working foremen and technicians in the field. The hope is to keep those numbers strong throughout the year.
?What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Study and learn as much as you can about construction and roofing beforehand, then keep learning every day on the job. Put in the extra time planning for projects ahead of time and educate everyone involved about what to expect while installing a new roof on their building. It will be much easier in the long run if unforeseen issues arise. Time management is also a key component, because you can be running 4-5 projects concurrently which can be very time consuming.
Who or what do you attribute to your success? Working efficiently and staying focused on obtaining goals I set for myself and for the company are the primary reasons for my successes. The two major components of project management are communication and organization to keep things running smoothly, in my opinion.
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? I grew up observing my mother and father working extremely hard for our family and simply because they didn’t know any other way. They always instilled a hard working attitude no matter what you do. Work ethic has always been a point of emphasis from the day I started working for a friends families landscaping company during the summers starting when I was 14 years old. They actually didn’t want school to start back up because they enjoyed having the reliability and they certainly took advantage of the youthful energy day in and day out.