Vantage Builders, Inc.
Year you entered your current field? 2015
Who or what do you attribute to your success? It may sound like a cliché, but it is hard work. I started working when I was 16, at Burger King, and always had a job throughout high school and college. A key element of Vantage Builders’ success has been how responsive we are to clients. Sometimes this means we’re working late or from home to help a client. You can’t be afraid of hard work in the construction industry!
What advice can you offer to someone who is interested in a career in your industry? Never stop learning or asking questions. There are so many components to the construction industry, it’s impossible to know everything and there is so much to learn. People who are serious about the industry should take classes in their spare time, read the industry publications, and most important, ask questions. There are many knowledgeable people in our industry and I’ve found that they are always willing to share their knowledge.
Who are some leaders that you admire and why? Michelle Obama. She worked and studied hard to achieve her goals. Not only is she a successful lawyer and writer, but she juggles those careers with being a caring mother. She handles all of this with grace and class and gives me hope as a working mother in a very busy industry.
How have your life experiences impacted who you are professionally? I come from a small town and my family didn’t have many advantages. As much as they wanted to, my parents couldn’t give me everything. As a result, I learned early on that, if there was a goal I wanted to achieve, I had to work hard on my own to get it. This attitude of grit and determination has served me well in the construction industry. It also taught me the importance of sticking to a deadline, which is critical as an estimator.