President's message: Chose wisely on Nov. 2

October 07, 2010 - Rhode Island

Michael Artesani, Sr., W. Artesani & Sons

Where did two years go?
In October of 2008, I took the oath of office for the first time as president of the Rhode Island Builders Association. I thank all of you for entrusting me with this great honor. I also thank the executive committee and the entire board of directors for their guidance, solidarity and advice, sometimes during some very lively discussions! I also thank and praise our five-star RIBA staff, backing us up every day at RIBA headquarters in East Providence. Without this great team, headed by our hard-working executive director, Roger Warren, I would have been lost.
Unfortunately, we have all been tested for the past two years by a stubborn economic downturn that has been especially tenacious in Rhode Island. These times have sorely tried our businesses and our trade association, and only time will tell when our economy will recover.
There is one primary thought I want to leave you with as I leave office. It's not to pat ourselves on the back for weathering the storm, though RIBA is doing that well. It's not even to wish our new president and administration well, though I do that will all my heart.
The primary thought I want to leave you with is that the economy of the state and nation, and of our own households, is going to be determined by the people we elect in November. There is a great burden on all of us this year to elect legislators who will fix what is obviously a broken system. It is so broken that our industry, our businesses and our standards of living are in danger. Don't doubt it!
I urge all of you to review how your state senator and representative voted on issues important to your family and your business. Remember, they may be very nice people, but are they the right people for the job at hand?
We all employ people who are well skilled at what they do, but we all have our limitations. And we don't hire workers just because they are "nice." It's time for some hard decisions in the voting booth.
When you consider RIBA's 1,200 member companies, their owners, employees and all their families, we directly or indirectly represent about 40,000 voters. It's time to tell our family members, our employees and their families, who are our friends at the State House and who are not. They need to know who is going to contribute to our success and who is going to be a detriment.
Our decision on November 2nd will have a direct affect on our success or failure for the next two years.
Choose wisely!

Michael Artesani Sr. is president of W. Artesani & Sons, Cranston, and is president of Rhode Island Builders Assn.


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