President's message: We have quality membership

December 11, 2008 - Rhode Island

Rhode Island Builders Association members and Builders Helping Heroes volunteers, along with state dignitaries, gather on November 11th to hail completion of the first project by the Builders Helping Heroes (BHH) program

On October 29th, in one of my first public acts as president of the Rhode Island Builders Association, I participated in a "town hall" meeting with our remodeler members.
I have always been impressed with the quality of our members, but at this particular evening event, sponsored by our Remodelers Committee, I was especially so. Those present were knowledgeable and concerned about the state of our economy, our industry and their own businesses. They asked good questions, were enthusiastic about the many member services RIBA offers, and wanted to help.
That's the key: Members willing to get involved. Especially in challenging times, a successful RIBA starts with its members: Their willingness to participate in programs and take advantage of the many member benefits, and their readiness to serve the association in positions of responsibility.
There was good attendance at the Remodelers Committee meeting, as there is at most RIBA functions. But there is plenty of room for more. We have nearly 1,400 members, all of whom can help each other by getting involved. As an association and as business people, we will get through the current challenges only if we work together.
Along with participating in RIBA's events, one of the best ways to get involved is to join one of our committees, one that deals with an area of interest to you. It's not time consuming, it will provide unique networking opportunities, it will prove to be a special forum for ideas that can help your business, and it will give you a start as a leader within RIBA.
Your participation can have far-reaching effects for yourself and our industry that you might never foresee. I look back fondly on my own start toward leadership within RIBA, which began with committee participation.
More than 20 years ago (Where did the time go?), I started working with then insurance coordinator Florence Dagata on the many problems facing the very troubled and abused workers' compensation system in our state. Thanks to that RIBA committee, and the efforts of many others, the system changed very much for the better.
That participation improved the situation not only for my business and our industry, but for businesses all over Rhode Island. And it vividly showed me the value of our committees.
I've worked my way through the ranks, and I now ask RIBA's "young bloods" to get active and keep this outstanding organization moving forward. We especially need your help in these difficult economic times.
For more information about serving on a committee, contact executive director Roger Warren at (401) 438-7400.
Michael Artesani Sr. is president of the Rhode Island Builders Assn., East Providence and is with W. Artesani & Sons, Cranston.


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