President’s message: Happy Holidays to one and all!

December 04, 2015 - Northern New England
Gerry O’Connell, KW Commercial CLCG Gerry O’Connell, KW Commercial CLCG

It’s really hard to believe how quickly 2015 seems to have passed by with only a few weeks of the year left.  It has been a productive year for NH CIBOR and together we have accomplished a lot. We are also heading into 2016 with new goals and new dreams. 

It has been a true pleasure to have served as 2015 president, and I am humbled to have had the privilege to work closely with so many great brokers and affiliates, who together make NH CIBOR the great organization it is, and has been for many years. I thank all of you who have been there for me and given me your assistance and counsel over the year, it has been invaluable in making this year fun.

It is also my pleasure to hand over the reins to your new president for 2016, Bob Marchewka of One Commercial Real Estate in Portsmouth. You will be in good hands.  Watch out for Bob’s messages commencing in January.

Please continue your support for NH CIBOR and our efforts to promote the business of commercial real estate and our broker and affiliate members.

I hope to see all of you at our NH CIBOR Annual Holiday Party Meeting on December 8th.  The event is being held at the Manchester Country Club, and promises to be a lot of fun.

Please also make sure to enjoy this holiday season, and be safe while traveling during the holidays and for the rest of this winter.  Make sure to review your 2016 goals and plan your actions for a wonderful, productive, and prosperous 2016. 

Gerry O’Connell is the 2015 president of the New Hampshire Commercial and Investment Board of Realtors.



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