Professional Profile: James Fikiet, 2013

October 24, 2013 - Green Buildings

James Fikiet, ractical Green Building Solutions, LLC

Name: James Fikiet
Title: Owner
Company: Practical Green Building Solutions, LLC
Location: Warren, RI
Place of birth: Washington D.C.
Family: Happily married with children
College: Roger Williams University (E.E. & Marine Biology)
First job unrelated to your current field: Product Engineer
First job in current field: Commissioning engineer at BR+A
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? PGBS was created to provide building commissioning and related services to building Owner's and Construction Teams of any project to deliver a building that is constructed to be maintained and operate at the intended level of performance. PGBS also applies its practical knowledge to those buildings that have not lived up to their potential and, with investigation, have helped them performed as required. The plan for the future is to continue to maintain a high level of service so that our clients' buildings continue to provide them a high level of performance.
Hobbies: anything with wings, wheels and a motor
Favorite novel: The Imperial Cruise by James Bradley
Keys to success: work hard
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family) The folks that have served and are serving in our armed forces.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? to own a custom fabrication shop


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