Professional Profile: Jon Guerster, 2013

October 24, 2013 - Green Buildings

Jon Guerster, Groom Energy Solutions

Name: Jon Guerster
Title: Chief Executive Officer
Company: Groom Energy Solutions
Location: Salem, Mass.
Place of birth: New Jersey
Family: Wife & three children
College: Bachelor of Science, Duke University; MBA Kellogg Graduate School of Business
First job unrelated to your current field: Bumper car operator, Ocean City boardwalk, NJ
First job in current field: Groom Energy
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Nationwide turn-key energy efficiency service installations for corporated customers such as Bed, Bath & Beyond, Ocean Spray, Stop & Shop and Thermo Fisher.
Hobbies: Sidelines watching/coaching kids sports (lacrosse, soccer, flag football) family skiing and watching Duke basketball.
Favorite novel: In the Heart of the Sea, Nathaniel Philbreck
Favorite film: Blues Brothers
Keys to success: Follow smart, balanced people going after big things
Person you most admire (outside of family): Rick Burnes, founder/general partner, Charles River Ventures.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Orthopedic surgeon


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