Professional Profile: Jordan Goldman, 2013

October 24, 2013 - Green Buildings

Jordan Gorman, ZeroEnergy Design

Name: Jordan Goldman CPHC
Title: Engineering Principal
Company: ZeroEnergy Design
Location: 156 Milk Street, Suite 3, Boston MA 02114
Place of birth: New York
College: Cornell University College of Engineering
First job unrelated to your current field: Lifeguard
First job in current field: Intern at Taitem Engineering
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? ZeroEnergy Design provides green architecture, mechanical design, and energy consulting for high performance homes and buildings. In the future, we look forward to working more with multi-family and institutional clients, such as the N.H. Montessori school we recently helped to achieve Passive House certification.
Hobbies: Skiing, woodworking, gardening
Favorite novel: Confederacy of Dunces
Favorite film: City of God
Keys to success: Don't be afraid of making mistakes. Just don't make the same mistake twice.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Café owner


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