Professional Profile: Joseph Ruiz 2012

November 15, 2012 - Connecticut

Joseph Ruiz, Zlotnick Construction Inc.

Name: Joseph Ruiz
Title: Senior Estimator
Company: Zlotnick Construction, Inc.
Location: 161 Mansfield Center, CT
Birthplace: West Point, NY
Family: I am blessed with three daughters, Tamara 23, Cayla 19, and Sydney 17
College: Architectural Drafting Certificate from Porter & Chester Institute
First job unrelated to your current field: Age 15, Counter Sales in a residential glass repair shop, The Glass Place in Colchester, CT
First job in current field: Estimator for a commercial interior sub-contractor, Three D Enterprises, Inc. in Colchester, CT
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? ZCI is a full service commercial general construction firm. I would like to see our company develop specialty divisions and self-perform more of the trades. I believe this is one way to becoming more competitive in a very competitive marketplace.
Hobbies: I enjoy skiing, biking, hiking and I've recently started running, with three half marathons and several shorter runs completed.
Favorite film: "Apocalypse Now"
Keys to success: Setting goals, being persistent and consistent are the keys to success.
Person you admire most (outside of family): Richard Branson, a successful entrepreneur who is always willing to take chances in both his business and personal lives.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? I'd love to be a successful, professional athlete!


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