Professional Profile: Josh Brandt 2015

July 02, 2015 - Front Section

Josh Brandt, JM Coull, Inc.

Name: Josh Brandt
Title: Project Executive
Company: JM Coull, Inc.
Location: 20 Powder Mill Rd., Maynard, MA
Place of Birth and Year: Eagle, CO - 1983
Family: Fiancée Sarah, dog Bubba
College: BS in Construction Management, Wentworth Institute of Technology
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Cyprian Keyes Golf Club - cleaning clubs, grounds crew, and arranging tournaments.
First Job in current field: Working for my dad in the carpentry business
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? JM Coull is a construction management, design-build, and general contracting firm. We're continuing to move forward on current work, and preparing for our projects with construction starting later this spring and into summer.
Hobbies: Crossfit, golf, skiing, volunteering
Favorite Novel: "Leaders Eat Last" by Simon Sinek
Favorite Film: "Gladiator"
Keys to Success: Strong work ethic, honesty, investing in yourself
Person(s) You Most Admire (outside of family): Phil Mickelson
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be? Flipping houses


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