Professional Profile: Michael Fish, 2015

February 05, 2015 - Owners Developers & Managers

Michael Fish, Dellbrook Construction/JK Scanlan, LLC

Name: Michael Fish
Title: President and CEO
Company: Dellbrook Construction / JK Scanlan, LLC
Location: Quincy and Falmouth, Mass.
Place of birth: Boston
Family: Wife Elizabeth and two children William and Charlotte
College: Colgate
First job unrelated to your current field: Washing dishes
First job in current field: Laborer
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Our firm provides construction management services in Southern New England in the healthcare, private educational, commercial, and housing sectors for a variety of private and strategic public clients. We plan on continuing to diversify and grow our existing client satisfaction level by constantly improving of means and methods while better understanding their needs to make sure they are always exceed. We take great pride in providing all the benefits of large company sophistication but more importantly the "small company love" of a private family run business.
Hobbies: Boxing, skiing, being active
Favorite novel: Vince Flynn book - I am not a huge reader
Favorite film: The Terminator
Keys to success: Passion, honesty, and always doing what you say.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): My 8th grade math teacher/basketball coach who helped me overcome challenges I thought were insurmountable as well as to handle adversity and turn it into a positive.....



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