Professional Profile: Roberta Bowen-Powell 2015

August 06, 2015 - Front Section

Roberta Bowen-Powell, Fafard Real Estate

Name: Roberta Bowen-Powell
Title: Sales/Sales Manager
Company: Fafard Real Estate
Location: Milford, Mass.
Place of Birth: California
Family: Husband, step children, large extended family
College: Framingham State College
First Job Unrelated to your current field: Clothing store- retail
First Job in current field: Century 21, Southborough, Mass.
What Your Firm Does Now and Its Plans for the Future? New construction, future developments always coming in residential/commercial.
Hobbies: Horseback riding, theatre, music, the arts
Favorite Film: "Legends of the Fall"
Keys to Success: Success is not the key to happiness. If you love what you do, you will be successful.
If You Had To Choose a Different Profession, What Would It Be? School teacher or pediatric physician


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