Proper surveying and engineering is mandatory for a successful project

July 02, 2008 - Connecticut

Adam Hoffman

When developing a property, whether it is residential, commercial, large or small, having a proper base map is mandatory for success. Obtaining the correct placement and demarcation of property boundaries is vital to ensure that a project does not encroach onto neighboring properties, block any easements, or violate zoning set-back requirements from adjoiners. If partway through a project an adjoining property owner points out that a boundary is improperly placed, or there is an easement that was not discovered and/or marked on the survey, the whole project can fall apart, causing severe financial losses.
The same holds true on the engineering side of a project. A property must have the correct design grades, storm and sanitary sewer systems, erosion & sedimentation control measures, parking spaces, and accessibility as per state and local regulations. Discovering that an aspect of a plan was designed improperly halts the construction activities, forces a plan revision, leading to a lengthy reapproval process and costly change orders.
Improper surveying or engineering of a property can cause not only financial problems but also public relations nightmares. Adjoiners' goodwill quickly vanishes when they discover that boundaries and right-of-ways have been broached, possibly leading to additional legal battles. City and town Planning and Zoning Commissions quickly go from supportive to combative when they believe a developer is willfully or incompetently violating their regulations. The best way to prevent this is to hire a professional licensed land surveyor and site engineering design team.
Adam Hoffman is with Godfrey-Hoffman Associates, LLC, North Haven, Conn.


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