Reagan of DECCO named ABC-Mass. chapter chairman for 2010

January 13, 2010 - Construction Design & Engineering

Chairman Kyle Reagan DECCO, Inc. Brookline, NH

Roy Greenwald

Kyle Reagan of DECCO, Inc. was recently confirmed by the ABC Mass. chapter membership to serve as chairman for 2010. Reagan has a long standing relationship with ABC, dating back to his days as a student at Fitchburg State College. Reagan succeeds Jerry Simmer of Shawnlee Construction, Inc. who served as 2009 chairman.
Roy Greenwald, president of DECCO, Inc. and himself a former ABC Mass. chairman, believes that Reagan possesses the right skill set to serve as an effective chairman. He describes Reagan as a hard worker with a history of getting things done. "I originally met him when I was active in ABC and Kyle was the student chapter president at Fitchburg State College. We hired him from there. He has filled any and all roles we have ever asked of him," Greenwald said. "For a period of time we had him in a subsidiary office, commuting over an hour and a half each way, each day. He never batted an eye. He just sucked it up."
After watching Reagan from the time he graduated college to his current post as a vice president at his company today, Greenwald thinks Reagan's pragmatic, no-nonsense approach will benefit both ABC and its membership. "Kyle is a strategic thinker and tends to work on longer term issues. He prefers to think in terms of setting up systems, procedures, and reporting processes to make sure progress is made," Greenwald said. Most importantly, Greenwald knows Reagan to be 110% committed to the merit shop philosophy. He referred to Reagan as a "true believer in the merit shop philosophy" who has worked to inform and instill those values in his fellow DECCO employees.
One of Reagan's goals is to position ABC companies to succeed in the coming year. "History teaches us the economy will rebound, in spite of government intervention, thanks to the forces of the free market. Hopefully the lesson that remains is that competition is the economic driver," Reagan said. "I firmly believe that it will be ABC member companies that are best positioned to successfully emerge from this downturn. They have a long history of thriving in highly competitive environments. Our membership sets us apart from union and other nonunion companies by promoting the merit shop philosophy and its focus on capability and performance."
Reagan holds a Bachelor of Science Degree in Construction Engineering from Fitchburg State College and has been employed at DECCO, Inc. for fifteen years. He is looking forward to the challenges that lie ahead and is eager to blaze his own trail for his fellow members to follow.
Greenwald put it best, "When Kyle says he will do something, it gets done. So stand back."


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