Robert Bennett Owner/Broker Bennett, R.E. Brokerage

April 02, 2008 - Northern New England

Robert Bennett

Name: Robert Bennett
Title: Owner/Broker- NH & MA
Company: Bennett, R. E. Brokerage
Location: Manchester, New Hampshire
Place of birth and year: Manchester, NH 1963
Family: Lovely wife, Colette and 2-children, Zachary 14, Emily 12
College: N.H. Vocational & Continuing Ed.
First job unrelated to real estate: I worked for Ronco Mechanical Co. as a plumber, new construction, commercial & residential.
First job in real estate or allied field: worked part-time as a sales agent for D. M. Cote Associates an independent local R.E. agency.
What your company does now and its plans for the future? We secure Client needs, locating, selling, leasing and exchanging sites and will continue to meet the needs of our clients, always looking for the best means to do so.
Hobbies: Beach comber, traveling near the equator! watching sporting events, fishing & exercising.
Keys to success: Real estate it's amazing, I fully enjoy my work!
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Roger Staubach the quarterback and the real estate broker
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Teaching



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