RPAC serves as active/effective legislative oversight team

April 03, 2011 - Northern New England

Robert Anderson
Prudential Verani Realty
Portsmouth, N.H.

As we end the first quarter of 2011 the sales and leasing numbers for NH CIBOR members continue to outpace the last couple of years with a promise for the future, our association operations have settled into a hectic pace that is full of opportunity, and I find myself watching the political environment with renewed reverence for those in our association that maintain a tireless and diligent watch over it.

RPAC, Public Policy, and Call to Action - members of NH CIBOR enjoy one of the most active and effective Legislative oversight teams out there. One key to their success is your involvement, as they can not succeed without your support. RPAC promotes the election of pro-Realtor candidates which is your best insurance against poorly designed small business and commercial real estate legislation. Investment in your business must include the RPAC fund by contacting [email protected]. The public policy committee is the watchdog to protect the interests of real estate owners as well as create legislation where it is deemed necessary. We must support them when Call to Action is requested as this is how our legislators understand what is important to your business. Be mindful of the Call to Actions at both the state and national level and take a few minutes for your voice to be heard.

In the last year NH CIBOR and NHAR Public Policy Committee have teamed up on several issues that significantly effect the commercial real estate practitioner and user. One example is HB 639 that was voted down on House floor - We heard from you that you and your developer clients were gravely concerned with HB 639 that would have imposed $40,000 impact fees on retail centers of 75,000 s/f and greater. You stated that this would force development across the border and further hinder development prospects in NH. NHAR and NH CIBOR aggressively lobbied against this bill and were successful.
There is a lot to do in 2011. Several of the issues include the mortgage loan deduction, health insurance, real estate transfer tax, workforce housing, land use, and rent controls. All of these issues effect the employers of our state as to wether they can expand or are willing to come to New Hampshire. We must be ever watchful of those that would impose regulations and taxes that are directly attacking our members and clients as well as regulations and taxes that may cause unintended consequences. Our state and nation faces many challenges, not the least of which include balanced budgets, control of growth, intelligent management of environmental concerns, public safety, care for those in need, and it goes on. Supporting your RPAC fund, responding to calls to action, and your public policy discussions is how you make sure that the commercial real estate voice is heard above the din. You matter. Get involved.

Bob Anderson is the 2011 president of the NH CIBOR chapter and is with Prudential Verani Realty, Portsmouth.


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