Sasaki honored for 3 projects by BSLA and 3 others by SCUP

May 16, 2013 - Construction Design & Engineering

Bridgeport (CT) Park Master Plan

Sasaki Associates has been honored with three Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA) awards and three Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) Excellence awards.

The BSLA awards are:
* Bridgeport Park Master Plan
BSLA Landscape Analysis and Planning Honor Award
* Songzhuang Arts and Agriculture City BSLA Landscape Analysis and Planning Honor Award
* Midtown Detroit TechTown District BSLA Landscape Analysis and Planning Merit Award
The SCUP awards are for:
* Ohio State University Park-Stradley Hall SCUP/AIA-CAE Excellence in Architecture Honor Award
* University of Pennsylvania Penn Connects SCUP Excellence in Planning Honor Award
* Midtown Detroit TechTown District SCUP Excellence in Planning Merit Award
The Society for College and University Planning (SCUP) is a community of people responsible for or involved in the integration of planning on their campuses. The SCUP Excellence Awards Program acknowledges innovative, collaborative, multidisciplinary, and integrated approaches to planning and design.
The Boston Society of Landscape Architects (BSLA) is a chapter of the national organization the American Society of Landscape Architects (ASLA).


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