Appraisal & Consulting

Cheer up, it could be worse: Sale index is up!

The Wall Street Journal recently report that the S&P/Case-Shiller U.S. National Home Price index of real-estate values increased this past q...

Appraisal Institute news: Selects 2010 vice president

Appraisal Institute Supports Proposed Revisions to Require More Frequent Valuations of Real Estate Investments In August, the Appraisal Ins...

Economic conditions are improving...Really

Without a doubt, this economic recession has been challenging for every industry with very few exceptions. The appraisal industry has been p...

CRE involved with Corenet Harvard Symposium

Landlord's Objectives in Negotiating a Comm'l. Lease: There was then discussion about the landlord's objectives during negotiations that inc...

What is around the corner for commercial real estate?

What is around the corner? Real estate investments have traditionally offered diversity and often extraordinary returns to accompany the ext...

The myth of the loaded capitalization rate and Leased Fee versus Fee Simple Value

I had just finished testifying at the Massachusetts Appellate Tax Board (ATB) and negotiations were underway to settle the case before a dec...

R.I. chapter of Appraisal Institute president's message:

As a result of recent changes to our chapter's by-laws the election of the 2010 officers and directors was held early this year. The new 201...

CRE Involved with Corenet Harvard Symposium

Corenet held its Regional Symposium at Harvard University on June 16th with a number of CREs as guest panelists. Peter Holland, CRE moderat...

The cost of development: Has it gone too far?

Occasionally, I am asked by non-profits to consult on land planning and financial analysis for purposes of gifts, easements, bargain sales a...

Appraisers on steroids: What can we do to combat this scourge among appraisers?

At the grill on a hot Sunday, I finally understood what has caused the problems with appraisals, lending, and the entire housing crisis: per...