Appraisal & Consulting

Appraisers are over regulated and underpaid

Perhaps I'm just getting cynical, but it seems to me that appraisers are getting the short end of the stick. Someone commented to me the oth...

A.I. held Economic Outlook and R.E. Trends 2010 meeting

The Massachusetts Chapter of the Appraisal Institute held its Economic Outlook and Real Estate Trends for 2010 meeting at the Federal Reserv...

R.I. chapter of A.I. expects another successful year

This past December the Rhode Island Chapter installed their new officers for the 2010 year. As the incoming president I am pleased to say th...

Deals and data for 2009 and the forecast for 2010

The local professional real estate community will soon be reporting fourth quarter activity for the commercial property submarkets and forec...

Appraisal as a career: "How does one become an appraiser"

My earliest recollection of thinking I might want to become an appraiser was when my wife and I were in the process of buying our first hous...

A review of the 2010 CRE board meeting held Dec. 16th

The 2010 chapter CRE board met for its first time at The Algonquin Club on Wednesday, December 16th prior to its annual Holiday Reception. A...

Commercial loan play - Better than the building itself?

It's no news that commercial real estate is in a slump, and sales are down. In fact, the number of sales which averaged approximately 375 pe...

Appraisal Foundation establishes the new Appraisal Practices Board to commence work in July 2010

The Appraisal Foundation, a Congressionally authorized non-profit organization dedicated to promoting professionalism in appraising through ...

The year rewound and the year ahead

2009 was better than 2008. That doesn't mean it was a good year. It was just a less large negative number. While 2008 was replete with excee...

Even the small things matter within an appraisal report

An appraisal report is a beautifully designed document that communicates the information needed to demonstrate the research and analysis nec...