Appraisal & Consulting

Fed watch: Now, international concerns - by Daniel Calano

Daniel Calano, Prospectus, LLC If you follow this column, you’ve heard me warn about low interest rates over several years. Articles go b...

Comparing appraisals in Houston and Vermont - by Sean Sargeant

Sean Sargeant, Sargeant Appraisal Services I am sitting in downtown Houston as I write, surrounded by construction cranes, road closures fo...

First half 2016 has been smooth, gradual and mixed - David Kirk

David Kirk, Kirk & Co. First half 2016 has been smooth, gradual and mixed. Macro measurements are helpful in defining market context. F...

The occurrence of “multiple versions of the truth” - by Shaun Fitzgerald

Shaun Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Appraisals What does it mean to “take a listing?” An appraiser friend was once taken aback when I said I w...

Transparent & reliable: critical components of any appraisal - by Steven Elliott

Steven Elliott, Elliott Gottschalk & Associates So, what’s happening during this summer of highs and lows? Red Sox up, Red Sox down, ...

Boomers move aside and other issues from CRE Top Ten List - by Donald Bouchard

Donald Bouchard, CRE Recently, the Counselors of Real Estate have released their list of The Top Ten Issues Affecting Real Estate for 2016-...

CRE Message: Arbitration, mediation, consternation? - by Donald Bouchard

Donald Bouchard, CRE Having been in the real estate business for over 35 years, I have had the opportunity to read thousands of leases of a...

Commercial real estate appraisers: At the center of the CRETech revolution - by Joe Egan

Joe Egan, Joseph P. Egan & Associates Although arriving to the launch party late, innovative technology is changing the commercial real...

Real estate professionals are finding it difficult to carry out professional responsibilities - by Bill Pastuszek

Bill Pastuszek, Shepherd Associates I recently was part of a panel at a mortgage lenders conference. My fellow panelists were a conveyancin...

Changing residential trends for millennials and baby boomers - by Jenny Flanagan

Jenny Flanagan, Keystone Consulting Group, Inc. Increasingly, two of the largest demographics–millennials and baby boomers–are changing...