Appraisal & Consulting

An attorney’s comment on professional conduct - by Douglas Galloway

Douglas Galloway, Durkin Law P.C. Any licensed professional in Massachusetts, whether a medical doctor, real estate appraiser, cosmetologis...

The New Year marks new monetary policy - by Brett Pelletier

Brett Pelletier, Kirk & Company The New Year marks new monetary policy and a renewed sense of optimism in the commercial real estate ma...

CRE Message: What happened to the mall? - by Donald Bouchard

Donald Bouchard, CRE The post-World War II economic expansion and the development of the interstate highway system prompted a giant exodus ...

Why is there an appraiser shortage? - by Shaun Fitzgerald

Shaun Fitzgerald, Fitzgerald Appraisals A friend told me last week that when he became an appraiser at the age of 22, the average age of al...

President’s message: Chapter educational offerings in 2016 - by John Mello

John Mello, Appraisal Institute Appraisal Institute education programs have been globally credited as among the best available in the appra...

What can be taken away from 2015 that can inform expectations & actions going forward? - by Bill Pastuszek

Bill Pastuszek, Shepherd Associates Looking in the rear view mirror: What noteworthy happened in 2015? Anything new under the sun (or under...

Retailers scramble for gains against Internet headwind - by Daniel Calano

Daniel Calano, Prospectus, LLC It’s that time of year again when retailers pursue their highest revenue days with post-Christmas blowout ...

How to speed up the commercial real estate appraisal process - by Mark Ploude

Mark Plourde, Maine Valuation Company When the parties of interest in a commercial real estate transaction finally reach agreement, and fin...

2015 was an up and down year to put it mildly - by Steven Elliott

Steven Elliott, Elliott Gottschalk & Associates Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukkah, Happy Kwanza, Happy Festivus, Happy New Year and if I�...

Where is the market going - Basic economics - by Maria Hopkins

Maria Hopkins, Maria Hopkins Associates Leading economists have said that our economy in Massachusetts is doing well as is the nation overa...