Cranston, RI Albert Scaralia of Albert Realtors listed and sold a 3,946 s/f retail strip center at 10 Budlong Rd. for $530,000 to Diamond Investment Group LLC The seller was Jean Markarian.
Rhode Island Ready (RI Ready) continues to gain momentum as we grow our program across the state. Six new locations were approved by the Quonset Development Corp.’s (QDC) board of directors in August and September, bringing us to eleven total enrolled sites stretching from East Providence to North Kingstown
As part of its ongoing efforts to revitalize properties formerly used as public school facilities, on October 11, the city of Warwick issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the sale of two properties: the former school administration building, and the former home of the Randall Holden Elementary School.
East Providence, RI Rita Danielle Steele, the principal broker at Steele Realty Consultants International was installed as the 116
th president of the Greater Providence Board of Realtors (GPBOR) on September 14
th at the Squantum Association. She previously served as the board’s president-elect,
New Shoreham, RI In the final days of September, just weeks before the New Harbor Boat Basin Marina closes for the season, Sertex Broadband Solutions construction crews extended underground fiber conduit onto the dock at Block Island’s Great Salt Pond. The work was completed in preparation
Pawtucket, RI The city of Pawtucket continues to reinvest in Veterans Memorial Park. The city has awarded a $330,000 contract to Yard Works Inc. for the construction of a new “Bark Park” dog park at Fairlawn Veterans Memorial Park (271 Smithfield Ave.) in the city’s Fairlawn neighborhood.
The success of small business is vital to a city’s success in making vibrant places and offering a high quality of life for its residents. Municipal economic development departments that spend time and resources supporting small businesses will reap the economic and social benefits that small businesses provide.
Providence, RI Thomas Sweeney, SIOR, principle of Sweeney Real Estate & Appraisal has been selected as the 2022 Realtor of the Year of the Rhode Island Commercial and Appraisal Board of Realtors. This award is based on his outstanding contributions and leadership in the real estate industry
Providence, RI Six Rhode Island cities and towns have joined together to launch aggregation programs that leverage community-wide buying power to provide their residents and businesses with new options for electricity supply. These Community Electricity Aggregation (CEA) programs
Providence, RI Michael Lefrancois, president & principal broker of Regal Commercial arranged the sale of 320-324 Angell St. on the East Side of the city for $1.725 million with Stephanie Corsetti of Alliance Real Estate Group representing the sellers.