
2019 Women in Construction: Lisa Podgurski, Manager of Business Development at IBEW Local 103 and NECA Greater Boston

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? I worried that in such a male-dominated industry, maybe I wouldn’t be well-respected or fit in. I was coming from outside the construction industry and outside of unions. But what I found is that there is a real camaraderie within unions, and that the building trades are working hard to create opportunities for women. It’s been a great journey.

2019 Women in Construction: Kate Sonia, 4th Year Electrical Apprentice, IBEW Local 103

Which project, deal or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? Joining the union. The opportunity to be a part of Local 103 has changed my life and my children’s’ lives for the better. I didn’t start out with much in life, and after being a stay at home mom for so long I wasn’t sure I would be able to do it. 

2019 Women in Construction: Elizabeth Cagle, Senior Inspector at CBI Consulting, LLC

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? As a high school student, I was a part-time receptionist at my martial arts school. I learned that it is more important to engage with people than to check the tasks off my list, no matter how long the list might be! 

2019 Women in Construction: Jennifer dosSantos, Project Manager at CBI Consulting, LLC

Who are three women – living or dead – that you would like to have drinks with and why? Ellen Degenerous because it would be hilarious and entertaining; Michelle Obama because her class and grace are truly inspiring; and Emma Rocha because…who wouldn’t? 

2019 Women in Construction: Maria Koulopoulos, Business Development at CBI Consulting, LLC

What were your biggest fears when you started out in your profession? Because my background is not technical I felt that I did not belong. I quickly learned that the emotional intelligence and soft skills that I bring to the table provides our team with a well-rounded outlook.

2019 Women in Construction: Brenda Lam, Senior Inspector at CBI Consulting, LLC

Which project, deal or transaction was the “game changer” in the advancement of your career during the last 10 years? 3W53 St., by Jean Nouvel – I was on-site full-time to observe curtain wall installation. I’m proud to be involved in the field team and to have made an impact in the CA phase.

2019 Women in Construction: Jahnavi Patel, Production at CBI Consulting, LLC

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? My first job was in Mumbai, India. It was the first time I ever worked in an office and it was a completely new life for me. l got the opportunity to apply the skills that I had learned in school in real life. It taught me how to balance work and my personal life which I have found necessary to a healthy and successful career. 

2019 Women in Construction: Cortney Kiewel, Assistant Project Manager at Green Leaf Construction

What was your first job and what did you learn from it? My first “real” job was waitressing at an UNO’s restaurant. That experience really provided me with customer service and communication skills in dealing with all types of personalities.

2019 Women in Construction: Erin Powell, Assistant Project Manager at Jewett Construction Company, Inc.

What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? 2019 my goal is to stay focused and take my failures as a learning opportunity to do better. Looking for the positive outcome in all situations rather then dwelling on past mistakes, in order to succeed and keep moving forward.

2019 Women in Construction: Christina Arico, Director of Business Finance, Hospitality and Luxury Homes at Shawmut Design and Construction

What are you doing differently in 2019 that has had a positive impact on your career? Letting go, and not taking on so much. I have always believed in saying yes to every opportunity, but I also realize that I can stretch myself too thin. Making a real effort to empower those around me to take on some of the opportunities