
Attorney: The Value and Potential Hazards of an SNDA for Commercial Tenants

As is often the case with the leasing of new commercial space, it is likely that the tenant has made a significant outlay of capital in conn...

Commercial Mortgage: Why use a commercial mortgage broker? To help maximize your loan dollars

With the range of lending sources available today to the real estate developer and owner, the question is always asked, why use the services...

Condominium Attorney: An historic and elegant condominium

According to the Appeals Court of Massachusetts in the recent case of Wodinsky v. Kettenbach (86 Mass. App. Ct. 825 (2015)), 303 Commonwealt...

Economic Development: It's All Here on the South Shore!

The South Shore/Canal Regional Economic Development District (REDO) will be hosting its Annual Economic Development Bus Tour on June 4, 2015...

Finance: Continued Stability and Interest Rate Limbo

Virtually every segment of the commercial finance market saw an upturn in its 2014 volume and a downturn in defaults. Commercial mortgage de...

Insurance: Professional Liability Insurance Considerations for Commercial Real Estate Business

Maintaining appropriate coverage against error or omission by a commercial real estate-related business requires some understanding of how t...

Management: 2015 commercial real estate market looks bright in New England

Although the multi family market will continue to lead our real estate recovery, commercial demand is fueling it. The commercial real estate...

Mulit-Housing: Increased real estate market value offsets significant financing pre-payment penalties

The New England multi-family market continued to experience an increase in market value in 2014. The combination of high investor demand, li...

New England Restaurant Broker: New England Restaurant Brokers are your best friends. The Restaurant Experts

It's amazing how many food and beverage businesses dot the landscape. If it's true that "small business drives our country", then restaurant...

Tax Credit: The Tax Man Runneth

The 2016 presidential election is 20 months away and candidates are already campaigning in early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire....