
Will there be enough apartment demand for all of the ultra-luxury product under construction?

Nearly all of the new apartment product coming on line in Boston- and there is a lot- is ultra-luxury. Over the past two years, from 2013 th...

Planning has taken on a new importance, people are willing to pay for a different lifestyle

We have made it to Memorial Day, something we all thought would never come last February. The weather is warm, trees and flowers are in bloo...

David v. Goliath, the case of the "historic and elegant (condominium) property"

According to the Appeals Court of Massachusetts in the recent case of Wodinsky v. Kettenbach (86 Mass. App. Ct. 825 (2015)), 303 Commonwealt...

Going digital: How commercial auctioneering firms adapt in the 21st Century

In our line of work, litigation and bureaucratic red tape have become much larger obstacles than threats of theft or damage. Property owners...

Why use a commercial mortgage broker? To help maximize your loan dollars

With the range of lending sources available today to the real estate developer and owner, the question is always asked, why use the services...

Why are some current real estate investors willing to take higher risks for lower returns?

How much risk can you stand? These days, if you are like most, it's more risk than a few years ago, and, for smaller return. Why do we toler...

Metro Hartford - Where imagination is innovation and innovation changes communities

One of the world's most famous innovators, Albert Einstein, said, "Imagination is more important than knowledge." That statement rings true ...

Spring welcomes unprecedented economic growth throughout the city of Quincy

The old adage that April showers bring May flowers has arguably never been more welcome than in 2015. In addition to seeing tulips and daffo...

Appraisal: Common Sense

A lot of economic behavior takes place based on a lack of knowledge and judgment and over-reliance on habit, benchmarks, or other factors fo...

Architecture: The weather has not held up development Boston has continued to grow and expand

The calendar is edging toward spring and it cannot come soon enough for us after this winter. The Realtors are in a holding pattern, the con...