
Price is the number one reason properties do not sell whether we are in a boom or bust market

Multi-family properties in the Eastern Mass. market have been the hottest commodity in the real estate market the last couple years. Due to ...

2012 should be another year of improvement as we adjust to changing supply and demand

The 2012 forecast for New Hampshire commercial real estate expects continued improvement in demand for quality industrial, retail and multif...

Conn. Dept. of Energy and Environmental Protection discusses conceptual design for transformed cleanup program

Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released a Report on Comprehensive Evaluation and Transformation of the Connecticut Cleanup Progr...

All indications are that 2012 will improve, with 2.4%-6% increase forecasted in construction spending

On any given day of any given week in 2011 you could have asked design and construction professionals what their forecast for future constru...

Pursuit of value and quality favors Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) contracts

The economy of the last few years has limited the number of project opportunities for contractors and this is unlikely to improve dramatical...

It's a great time to build; costs are stable and competition intense at general contractor and subcontractor level

The Mayan Calendar is set to end December 21, 2012. Many a doomsday pundit believes the apocalypse will occur December 21, 2012 - 5,126 year...

Presidential election year politics likely to impact tax laws unless Congress takes action

With a Presidential election on the horizon, you may think your business is safe from new taxes in 2012, since politicians are reluctant to ...

2012: What do "we" predict will happen in the job and capital markets and marketability risk

My end of real estate, the Valuation & Advisory business, more often than not, is a team effort. Teams are created to answer the issues we a...

Signs for improvement in the housing market are there, just not as strong as we would like

As we enter the New Year there are mixed signals with the economy and the long hoped for recovery. Over the last few years the architecture ...

Room for economic optimism as 2012 begins: Brokers showing space is an encouraging sign

Predicting the economic future is about as easy as predicting whether or not the Patriots will win their fourth Super Bowl in the Belichick-...