
Products made, assembled and packaged in the U.S. will fill buildings and reduce unemployment

One of my favorite economists, Jeff Thredgold of TEA, focused on U.S. manufacturing in his last two weekly newsletters. The loss of manufact...

Commercial real estate refinancing and tax credits figure into the mix

As a regional law firm our business and finance lawyers get to know and work with a variety of clients in many business segments. Most busin...

Why a judge ordered a new 5,000 s/f Mass. seaside house to be torn down

Anyone with plans for a real estate project in Massachusetts will want to learn the lessons of the recent case of Johnson v. Zoning Board of...

Mixed messages provide optimal buying opportunity in real estate

It's always easy to follow a pack. Time and time again the cycles of real estate markets and equity markets move in repeating cycles and man...

2012 healthcare spring preview: Impact of healthcare reform on the job force

The following discusses the impact of healthcare reform on the job force, with much of the information obtained from The New England Journal...

Ordinance of law coverage: Are you properly covered by your insurance policy?

Property insurance policies invariably exclude insurance coverage necessary to rebuild or repair the damaged property in compliance with the...

Boston's mixed bag - The commercial real estate market report for the first quarter 2012

Despite varying market indicators, the commercial real estate market in the greater Boston area, continues to look up. Greater Boston is amo...

Online retail pressure requires brick and mortar retail to provide better experience and product

It's an exciting and challenging time to be in the retail real estate industry. The brick and mortar retail world is under pressure from onl...

Metro West suburban market: The new normal will offer exciting new opportunities

With a couple of major transactions, such as the TJX purchase and subsequent expansion into the former Fidelity buildings in Marlborough, th...

Limited inventory of quality buildings for sale and all time low interest rates create hot market

Multi-family properties in the Eastern Mass. market have been the hottest commodity in the real estate market the last couple years. Due to ...