Spend some face time with your colleagues, clients and sales leads

September 12, 2013 - Front Section

Eric Wilson, NEREJ

In the commercial real estate industry nothing compares to networking when it comes to creating and maintaining your business relationships. Social media is all the rage in marketing circles and SEO is still as important as ever yet something continues to be overlooked. Social media networks are simply tools to help YOU set face to face meetings. Like all tools, they have their function and effectiveness but, they are only as good as the individual using them.
The reason networking separates itself from social media channels as the best tool can be explained in one word - "communication." It's estimated that 90% of all communication is nonverbal. Additionally, tone and inflection impact the message you are delivering. It is difficult to gauge the full effectiveness of digital marketing without being able to absorb all the data. You outwardly show your confidence in your service or product through facial expression or body language; something that is done on subconscious level and can't be delivered online.
With the commercial real estate industry primarily serviced through our working relationships, why is it all the rage to limit our lines of communication? Instead, go out there and spend some face time with your colleagues, clients and sales leads.
Eric Wilson is the director of social media at NEREJ, Norwell, Mass.


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