Summers of The New England Real Estate Journal honored by Conway

January 20, 2011 - Front Section

Chairman Jack Conway presents a plaque and a copy of his book to New England Real Estate Journal managing editor Ben Summers, in recognition of his service to the industry.

A head table piled high with cereals, pasta and canned goods was the centerpiece for Jack Conway, Realtors annual Thanksgiving Award Breakfasts held at Plimoth Plantation. More than 400 Conway sales associates from Boston to Cape Cod, the South Coast and the North Shore attended the events at which agents were honored for "team spirit and congeniality." The winners received gift checks to purchase a Thanksgiving turkey, and all attendees brought non-perishable food items to contribute to the Charity Guild of Brockton.
"We have a lot of functions in our company that recognize agents for top production," said Conway CEO Carol Bulman. "But this ceremony honors our associates for the intangible qualities of kindness, good humor and camaraderie. These individuals are true winners because they help and support their colleagues and their communities all year long."
The Annual Conway Country Thanksgiving breakfasts have been a tradition at Plimoth Plantation for decades. "I chose the site for the obvious reason," said chairman Jack Conway. "It's where our country's first Thanksgiving took place, and it reminds us to be thankful for the many wonderful things we have in our lives."
This year's event featured speeches from Conway, Bulman and company executives Dick Cahill, Denis Lilla, and Jay Chaisson. Special awards were presented to Ben Summers, managing editor of the New England Real Estate Journal, and Erich Miller, executive director of My Brother's Keeper.
Jack Conway Realtor is celebrating its 54th year of service to the homebuyers and sellers of Massachusetts.


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