Thru the Lens: ACE Mentor Program of New Hampshire launches Pilot Program

May 10, 2019 - Front Section
ACE NH Mentors & ORHS Pilot Program students group photo including
fifteen students and nine mentors at Session #1 on March 6th

Durham, NH On March 6, the ACE Mentor Program of New Hampshire launched its pilot program at Oyster River High School. The ACE Mentor Program is a national not-for-profit 501(c)3 and free after school program.  Their mission is to engage, excite, and enlighten high school students to pursue careers in architecture, construction, and engineering (ACE) through mentoring and to support their continued advancement in the industry.  The Oyster River High School students have embarked on a two month project where they will learn hands-on, real life skills associated with ACE fields as they relate to the Mohairmet Elementary School renovation project.

The ACE Board and mentors are made up of a group of industry professionals who believe in mentoring students to give them a real worldview of what goes into a construction project and inspire them to further pursue a career in one of the ACE related fields.  At the end of this Pilot Program, there will be student presentations and a scholarship awarded to one deserving senior enrolled in the program.

While Oyster River is the first school in New Hampshire to be involved, it is not the only school interested.  There are currently six additional schools in the Granite State awaiting approval for similar partnerships on projects with ACE NH.

The ACE Mentor Board will be continuously seeking sponsors, scholarships, and mentors in order to branch out and make additional schools a reality around the State of NH. 



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