Walsh Brothers named construction manager for $58 million 183,000 s/f Stokes Hall project at Boston College

November 18, 2010 - Construction Design & Engineering

Stokes Hall at Boston College - Chestnut Hill, MA

Walsh Brothers, Inc., will serve as construction manager on the Boston College Stokes Hall project. Walsh Bros. was because of its portfolio of academic work, and ability to execute authentic Gothic construction; three generations of the Walsh family have built projects on the Boston College campus over the past 100+ years.
Representing a cornerstone of BC's institutional master plan, the 183,000 s/f Stoke's Hall will house student programs and support spaces. The $58 million building will have academic classrooms and faculty offices that promote interaction and both formal and informal learning opportunities. Stokes Hall is targeted to be a LEED Gold project with an expected occupancy in the fall of 2012.
The architect is Walsh Bros.' long term design partner Tsoi Kobus Architects.
Stokes Hall will consist of two buildings, connected by a linking bridge. The Ashlar granite facility will be built in accordance with old-world construction techniques to achieve the traditional BC Gothic stone design. The building will be constructed with a solid load bearing masonry wall, all the way up, as opposed to modern-day construction which uses visible steel reinforcements on each level. Additionally, to help maintain the authentic Gothic aesthetic Walsh Bros. will work with the mason to ensure that each palletized stone delivery contains a consistent yet varied array of colors and sizes. Once completed, Stokes Hall will serve as home to faculty offices for classical studies, English, history, philoso­phy, theology, the College of Arts & Sciences honors program, Arts & Sciences Service Center, academic advising center and first year experience offices, as well as 36 new classrooms, common areas, a coffee shop, conference rooms and will feature outdoor gar­dens and a campus plaza.
The project provides many challenges. With two active dining halls on either side of the site, abutting historic campus and residence buildings, Walsh Bros. has worked to formulate a detailed construction management plan that addresses traffic plans, delivery schedules, construction work hours, noise/dust/and vibration mitigation strategies, pedestrian and construction vehicle travel routes, and utility tie in details.
Stokes Hall provost and dean of faculties Cutberto Garza said, "Stokes will enhance a number of academic strategic goals. It will assure a 'home base' for the humanities; provide more spaces for meetings, offices, classes -and smaller seminars in particular - improve links between the advising center and first year experience; and present greater opportunities for students and faculty to interact outside the classroom - a key component of BC's emphasis on student formation."
Walsh Bros.' previous generations constructed two of BC's original Gothic buildings, including Bapst Library built in 1925, by James Walsh II.
Richard Walsh, president/CEO said, "Walsh Bros. is thrilled to serve as the construction manager on this landmark project which will afford us an opportunity to continue our service as a steward of the BC legacy, we look forward to ensuring that the historic quality of authentic Gothic construction already established on campus is maintained throughout the life of the Stokes Hall construction."


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