Name: Warren Gomberg
Title: Principal
Company: Gomberg Financial Services
Location: 196 Pleasant St., Marblehead, MA 01945
Place of birth and year: Brooklyn, NY - 1953
Family: 23 year old son, fiancé Gina Khan
College: Northeastern University, BA Business
First Job Outside Finance: Wilk & Welch, rental sales, selling condos
First Job in Finance or Allied Field: Originated 203K Rehab loans for investors
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? We specialize in financing apartment buildings and have closed over 426 commercial loans over a 14 year history. Fannie Mae a specialty. Deals harder to do now with what we do. Current federal regulations. Banks are more cautious.
Hobbies: Fish, finding interesting ethnic restaurants
Favorite book: "Winning through Intimidation" by Robert Ringer
Favorite movie: "Field of Dreams"
Key to success: Hard work, have a passion for what you do
If you were forced to choose another vocation what would it be? Landlord