Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Lab for Ocean Sensors and Observing Systems

April 17, 2014 - Spotlights

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution - Falmouth, MA

Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute (WHOI) has a new research laboratory for scientists and engineers working on the newly launched Ocean Observatories Initiative which designs, builds, implements, operates and services a coordinated system of moored buoys, undersea cabled networks, and autonomous underwater vehicles. The laboratory also serves scientists and engineers from the Ocean Bottom Seismometer Instrument Pool, the Martha's Vineyard Coastal Observatory and the Environmental Sample Processor Laboratory.
Appropriately for a research institution that is dedicated to oceanic research, water conservation is a fundamental consideration in the design and operation of the facility, and this approach can be seen in the site design. Non-irrigated native species are planted throughout the project's site, and a stormwater management plan protects receiving stream channels from erosion. This LEED Gold project is WHOI's first LEED certified building.
Submitter: Columbia Construction


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