Wright-Ryan Construction receives award for Environmental Excellence

May 13, 2009 - Front Section

Shown (from left) are: Governor Baldacci and Lee Proscia, Wright-Ryan

Governor John Baldacci and Department of Environmental Protection commissioner David Littell congratulated all of the Environmental Leaders of Maine companies for committing to goals that go beyond compliance, related to energy, greenhouse gases, toxics, water, and other natural resources.
Wright-Ryan Construction is the only builder in the state to be recognized for their environmental efforts. In the period of their three year voluntary contract they diverted 50% of construction waste and 67% of all office waste from landfills. Additionally, they have reduced their carbon footprint by 66%.
"Your goals to reduce energy and greenhouse gases, through my governor's Carbon Challenge program are critical for Maine's environment as well as for Maine's economy. We are on the forefront of many renewable energy projects that not only will help improve the air we breathe, but provide green jobs for Maine people. I'd also like to recognize that even though we have been enduring tough economic times, many of our Environmental Leaders of Maine are facing such times with innovative solutions. I'm pleased companies, including Lyman-Morse Boatbuilding and Evonik Cyro are producing solar energy products. There are others who are planning further diversification of their manufacturing into future markets that include renewable energy such as solar and wind. We look forward to hearing more about these ventures in the near future," said governor John Baldacci at the recognition lunch.
Wright-Ryan is one of Maine's leading construction firms, with expertise in commercial, institutional and residential construction as well as high-end millwork and furniture. Wright-Ryan has successfully completed some of the most architecturally distinctive and challenging buildings in the state.


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