Within your firm, who has helped you succeed within the industry? How have they helped you? I have had an amazing experience working with the construction management team at DPS: My fellow procurement specialist, MaryLyke Moattari, has a positive, cheerful attitude that can brighten up anyone’s day. Senior procurement specialist Liz Flaherty provides support and insight into our current clients’ expectations and behavioral patterns. MaryBeth Park, manager of procurement and subcontracts, brings fierceness and in-depth knowledge of procurement. Our senior director of construction management Carl Bradbury adds bursts of dynamic energy that invigorates the entire office. They, and many others, have helped me succeed in unique ways and I owe them a debt of gratitude.
What tips or advice would you offer to other women who are considering entering the construction industry? For women who are just coming on board in the construction industry I would say two things: First, if you feel impostor syndrome creeping up on you, believe in your abilities and stand up for yourself. Your dreams and vision are valid. If you prioritize your dreams, no one can stop you.
The second point is the importance of emotional intelligence: Having the ability to comprehend, use, and manage your emotions on the job allows for greater understanding of your work and can benefit your relationships with different stakeholders.
When you’re not busy, what is your go to book or podcast to help you unwind? I love listening to mystery podcasts. Whether I’m at the gym or relaxing at home, I enjoy engaging my mind, making connections, and generating alternative scenarios to solve the cases. In an effort to decode the clues I apply experience from my daily professional life. At work I find common ground with clients, vendors, and team members to build strong interpersonal relationships, and use these skills improve negotiations and project outcomes. By focusing my creativity I provide proactive and strategic solutions, both in my career and while listening to these podcasts.