2024 Ones to Watch - Rising Stars: James Polakiewicz, Jr., Hancock Associates

June 28, 2024 - Spotlights
James Polakiewicz, Jr. 
Civil Engineer - Project Manager 
Hancock Associates

“Jay is a rising star due to his technical capabilities, leadership with staff and friendly nature. Jay has a high level of technical competence, understanding nuances of town workings, regulations and key players. Jay knows the issues before the project begins allowing him to navigate effectively to a successful conclusion.” - Matthew Connors, Regional Engineering Manager at Hancock Associates. 

In the last 12 months what accomplishment are you most proud of? My proudest accomplishment has been my promotion to project manager at Hancock Associates. Since beginning my civil engineering career, I have aspired to design and oversee my own projects. Thanks to dedicated effort and support from my team, I achieved the project manager position within seven years of starting my professional journey. 

Who are the key people in your life that have contributed to your success? My late grandfather, a self-taught engineer, inspired me to begin my engineering path when I was young. Having had the privilege of observing his 50-year service on the Lynn, Mass. Zoning Board of Appeals and commitment to the city motivated me. I also would not have reached this position without guidance and education from my mentors and colleagues. Equally important is my family who supports me during late-night board meetings or studying for exams.



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