Shareholder; CRE Co-Chair
Rich May, P.C.
What is one project or achievement in your career that you are most proud of, and how did it impact your organization or community? I was elected the first female equity shareholder at Rich May, P.C., a 30-attorney business law firm, since its founding in 1937. I started both the DEI and women’s initiatives within the firm, and I’m incredibly proud of the growth we’ve seen. My goal is for women to envision themselves in these roles and to actively support their journey toward them.
Who or what has inspired you most in your career, and what advice would you share with the next generation of women entering the A/E/C industry? I was most inspired by my first mentor/employer, Donald Quinn. He was the head of real estate group at Goodwin and a genius guru. I learned as much as I could from him – not just skills, but also training, mentoring, and networking – and try to pass his gems of wisdom along. He was quite progressive, setting me up for remote work, sending me out for networking, and promoting work life balance. He treated me as an equal to a male associate, which is rare. I miss him. (He passed in 2024).
What’s your favorite way to recharge or get inspired outside of work? Jogging is my favorite. I ran the Cape Code and Bay State Marathon, and the Lawyers Have Heart 5K.
Do you have a hidden talent or a surprising fact about yourself that most people wouldn’t know? My family appeared in 3 episodes of Family Feud with Steve Harvey in 2010.