Team Lead / Architect
HFA Architecture + Engineering
What was your greatest professional achievement or most notable project in the last 12 months?
I’m proud of being a panelist at an ICSC New England event in Boston last year. I lead a conversation on the current state of construction costs in front of a room full of peers across the AEC industry. I’ve always said that the best part of being an architect is seeing designs come to life. Seeing a project get built provides a lot of personal satisfaction. However, having enough experience in your portfolio to feel confident leading a conversation across the A+E industry is a different reward. It is empowering to be a part of these ongoing conversations.
Who or what inspired you to join the AEC industry?
Growing up, I was unsure of what career I wanted to pursue, but I knew I enjoyed being creative, and I excelled in math and critical thinking. When I applied to college, I decided that architecture offered the creative outlet I was passionate about while also being timelessly significant–it felt like it really mattered. I’m still passionate about architecture because it is filled with so many facets of knowledge to explore–endless buildings and design styles to admire, more building science and technology than one can ever fully master, and above all, I enjoy the camaraderie of a studio.
What has been the driving force behind your success in the AEC industry?
Communication skills are what has helped me grow the most in my career. Listen to those around you, both in your office and in the field. Be respectful of the insight and knowledge that everyone on the team contributes to a project, and you will receive respect in return. If you can communicate well with clients, engineers, and contractors your projects will succeed and people will want to work with you, and for you, in the future.