A resolution for 2008: "Co-broke or go broke"

January 03, 2008 - Northern New England
"Co-broke or Go Broke" is the old adage, most often heard as business slows down, listings swell in numbers and sales activity declines. Tighter credit is often the main cause, with recession related job losses and business slowdowns a close second. Some economists are predicting both for 2008. Conclusion? Commercial agents will be more interdependent on each other's inventories and buyers for increased transactions. Cooperation is the key.
"I'll meet you today" Yes. Get to know each other. In my 2008 CIBOR presidential installation last month, I urged our members to get involved with our Realtor board activities: join committees, start new ones, attend meetings, educational seminars, after hours and network events. Why? Because it is the easiest way to get to know other brokers and agents. Simply put, we do business with people we know-we do it with more trust, more confidence, and more ease. We can take a tip from our Asian trading partners in this global economy. They like to meet people face to face at least once before doing business. Everyone does.
At NHCIBOR.com, and NECPE.com, we have used the Internet to create a large menu of over 1,400 commercial properties in four states and search engines to find them. This new highway of commerce is supported by email replies and has made our time much more productive. But, have you noticed that the telephone call is even more effective? Of course! It's more personal. Imagine then how effective a phone call is after we have met someone at a meeting and they can put a face to the voice and name. Even if they don't remember your good looks, they will remember the event, and a rapport can begin to build the trust necessary to complete a deal.
I am a manager of 16 commercial agents. I recently surveyed other managers of some board member firms to see if they agree with my "get to know me" theory.
Like me, they can account for saving a deal, preventing a commission complaint or law suit because they personally know the broker/owner/manager/agent on the other end of the line. It's more than problem solving. It will increase business results and time productivity. We do business with those we know.
Want a New Year's resolution or goal? Make a list of 25 Realtors that you don't know but might like to. Then, go meet them. Do an accompanied showing and show their property. Invite them to your listing. Have coffee or cocktails. See them at CIBOR affairs. CIBOR has an ambitious calendar of events that are open to all, including non members, as well as monthly educational and quarterly meetings for continuing credits. In addition, our affiliates committee is sponsoring a series of "Green Workshops." You have no excuses! This is an easy resolution! (No dieting required...)
My goal is modest: I will speak to every one of our 570 members in 2008. Have cell phone, will talk! I hope to meet you at one of our events. Who knows? We might do some business, we might learn something new from each other and best of all, we might have a little fun doing it. Talk to you soon!

Tom Duffy is the 2008 CIBOR president and the manager of the Commercial Division at Prudential Verani Realty in Londonderry,, N.H.


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