Decade Q&A - Michael Giuttari

February 24, 2010 - Spotlights

Michael Giuttari, SIOR, is president of MG Commercial Real Estate, Providence
What is your most memorable career experience from the past decade (2000-2009)?
Developing a thriving company that is most importantly, enjoyable for its employees to work in and be successful in the commercial real estate business, and as a team, we have grown the business to consistently be the most respected and largest independent commercial real estate brokerage firm in our market.
What major event(s) do you predict for the commercial real estate industry this decade (2010-2019)?
Over the next ten years, we see a continuing reduction in the number of companies operating as commercial real estate brokerage houses, due to heavier competition from the bigger local and national companies, an increase in efficiency through technology for these companies and the increased use of technology by the tenants and buyers. If the brokerage company has not already proven itself as a necessary consultative resource to the buyers or tenants, they will not be required.


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