Helping the Connecticut Building Congress invest in future leaders: 21st annual Robert J. Lefloch Memorial golf outing - by Annie McEvoy

October 21, 2016 - Connecticut
Annie McEvoy, New England Real Estate Journal Annie McEvoy, New England Real Estate Journal

The Connecticut Building Congress (CBC) held its 21st annual Robert J. Lefloch Memorial golf outing on October 3rd at the Shuttle Meadow Country Club in Kensington.  CBC has raised more than $470,000 over the past 20 years at their annual golf event, which they use to fund college scholarships.

“The day was a great success. The course was in perfect condition, the atmosphere was collegial, and the food was delicious. We were sold out months in advance, and we raised more for scholarships than last year, which is the end game,” said Ron Goodin of Crosskey Architects. Goodin was the leader of the committee that organized the outing. Marty Onorato of Robinson & Cole was his co-chair.

The golf committee included:  Theresa Casey of On Target Marketing/CBC executive director; Catherine Ellithorpe of SLAM; Norm Goldman of Desman Associates; Frederick Hedberg of Halloran & Sage; Maria Loitz of BVH Integrated Services; Cathy DeFrances of Fuss & O’Neill EnviroScience; Amar Shamas of Gilbane Building Co.; Joseph Spagnoletti of CohnReznick; and David Bobrowski of Erland Construction Company.cbc8

“A big thank you goes out to the sponsors and all who volunteered their time. Without you we could not pull this off,” said Goodin.

Sponsors include:

• Diamond sponsor - MJ Daley,

Gold sponsors - Milestone Construction and United Steel.

Silver sponsors - Crosskey Architects, Gilbane Building Company, Robinson+Cole, Turner Construction Company, KBE Building Corp., Flow-Tech, Inc., Arcadis U.S., Inc. and Langan Engineering & Environmental Services.

Cocktail Hour sponsor - LaRosa Building Group.

• Bronze sponsors - Northeast Building Group and EMSL Analytical, Inc.

Golf cart sponsor - Fuss & O’Neill EnviroScience

Lunch/beverage sponsor - Bergan Architectural Woodworking

cbc6Putting green sponsor - On Target Marketing & Communications

Driving range sponsor - IFIC Surety Group

Signage sponsor - Universal Copy/Buck-a-Plan

Golf balls sponsor - Blakeslee Prestress

Snack/beverage sponsor - Dimeo Construction Co.

Closest to the pin sponsor - Mizzy Construction Co.

Longest drive sponsor: male and female - Garcia & Milas

Low gross sponsor - Benesch.

The 18-hole shotgun scramble featured contests, lunch, door prizes, and a buffet dinner with awards and raffle prizes. Those enjoying lunch on the patio enjoyed an unexpected burst of Fall sunshine while feasting on hot dogs, hamburgers, grilled chicken, roasted vegetables and salads. Beverages of all types were liberally flowing throughout the day.

A massage therapist was available to keep the golfers loose on the 15th hole, the longest par-3 on the course. Cathy Ellithorpe of The S/L/A/M Collaborative, Melissa Roy of Tecton Architects, as well as myself took turns waving on the golfers when it was clear to drive or suggesting use of the masseuse when it was backed up and/or making sure everyone was staying hydrated by keeping the hole stocked with beverages. We were just a few of many who came out to volunteer and support this annual event.

Photos are available on the NEREJ Facebook page. You can see all who came out to support this cause, and had fun at the same time. It was great to have the opportunity to build on the relationships with people I have recently met, and also make new connections. The networking at this event was priceless.

As the golfing wound down, there was a cocktail hour with passed hors d’oeuvres at the clubhouse. Between the cigar bar, sports memorabilia/silent auction, raffle, networking and buffet dinner of chicken marsala, carved prime rib of beef, salads, vegetables, and dessert, there was something for everyone!

The Connecticut Building Congress Scholarship Fund offers scholarships to graduating Connecticut high school students entering college-level programs in architecture, construction-related engineering, construction management, surveying, planning or other courses of study leading to associate, bachelors, or master’s degrees in design and construction industry fields. The awards are given for academic merit, extracurricular activities, potential and financial need. The scholarships are renewable each year based on performance in school and available resources. They are also one of the features of the June Project Team Awards event. Scholarships range from $500 to $2,000 per year.

Annie McEvoy is the publisher of the Connecticut section of the New England Real Estate Journal.



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