IREM Foundation honors veteran and IREM staff officer Chuck Achilles

June 16, 2011 - Connecticut
The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) Foundation has honored Charles (Chuck) Achilles, IREM's chief legislative and research officer, with its J. Wallace Paletou Award. Presented to Achilles recently at IREM's 11th Annual Leadership and Legislative Summit in Washington, D.C., the Paletou Award recognizes individuals who make outstanding contributions and show extraordinary dedication to the real estate management industry.
IREM Foundation president Edward Boudreau, CPM, who presented Achilles with the award, said, "As a member of the IREM staff for 38 years, overseeing IREM's ongoing legislative, regulatory and research activities, Chuck interfaces regularly with Congress and various governmental agencies on IREM's behalf and has vast knowledge of all of the areas he directs. The author of numerous articles published in the Journal of Property Management, Chuck also is a frequent presenter at IREM-sponsored conferences and a highly respected and sought-after speaker by other industry groups."
In addition to his oversight of IREM's legislative, regulatory and research initiatives, Achilles manages the publication, annually, of IREM's income/expense benchmarking studies for five major property sectors. For the past 14 years, he also has managed legislative and research activities for the CCIM Institute.
Achilles earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Chemistry from Northern Illinois University and a Master of Business Administration degree in Quantitative Analysis from Chicago-based Loyola University.
The Institute of Real Estate Management Foundation, established in 1977, is a nonprofit 501(c) (3) public foundation. The IREM Foundation is committed to attracting, developing, and retaining individuals for careers in real estate management. This mission is supported by the generosity of individual IREM members and chapters, corporate sponsors, and private contributors.


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