IREM's new guide lays out strategies for career success in commercial and multifamily real estate

December 16, 2009 - Connecticut
A new, personal "career coach in print" for those aspiring to business success in commercial or multifamily real estate has just been made available by the Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM). It spans the many facets of the commercial and multifamily sectors of the industry - ranging from property management, finance, marketing and brokerage through development, asset management, maintenance services and facilities management. The book is directed at those thinking of entering the real estate field as well as current practitioners seeking to boost their career potential, fast-track career advancement, or reinvigorate their career.
Success Strategies for Commercial and Multifamily Real Estate Careers is written by Natalie Brecher, CPM, an internationally recognized authority who helps organizations enhance the performance of their workforce; Brecher also helps individuals develop and improve their management and leadership skills. The foundation of her career development work is based on executive leadership positions she has held with national real estate firms for more than 26 years. She is widely published, a faculty member of IREM and a member of the IREM Academy of Authors.
In addition to drawing from Brecher's own professional history, the book is chock full of insights, anecdotes and "lessons learned" captured in interviews with other seasoned and successful real estate practitioners. It also identifies specific career paths available that may be most resonant with a reader's predispositions, contains an extensive glossary of real estate job specialties, offers a comprehensive directory of industry associations and includes a fulsome resource list for further information.

Key Reader Take-Aways
Stated simply, readers will come away from the publication with proven techniques to create the career they want and then go on to maximize their professional success. They will, for example, be well prepared to:
* Develop a game plan or "road map" to advance their career goals
* Identify the specific areas of the industry in which they are most likely to thrive
* Explore available career options and select the right fit for themselves
* Assess whether they should be an employee or an entrepreneur
* Learn to network for maximum career benefit
* Apply public relations techniques to spotlight their career accomplishments
* Stand out among their peers by achieving a competitive edge
* Position themselves for accelerated promotions
* And much more.

Price and Ordering Information
Success Strategies for Commercial and Multifamily Real Estate Careers is $19.95 for IREM Members and $24.95 regular price (plus shipping and applicable state sales tax). To order, contact the IREM Customer Relations Department at 430 N. Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60611, or call toll-free at (800) 837-0706, ext. 4650. Internet users can order the publication online at
The Institute of Real Estate Management has been the source for education, resources, information, and membership for real estate management professionals for more than 75 years. An affiliate of the National Association of Realtors, IREM is the only professional real estate management association serving both the multifamily and commercial real estate sectors. With 80 U.S. chapters, 10 international chapters, and several other partnerships around the globe, IREM is an international organization that also serves as an advocate on issues affecting the real estate management industry.


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