IREM wins National Association of Realtors Game Changer Challenge

December 16, 2009 - Connecticut
The Institute of Real Estate Management (IREM) will develop a pioneering, next-generation system for delivering professional education via a blended learning system, implementing its winning entry in the Game Changer Challenge sponsored by the National Association of Realtors (NAR). Responding to NAR's call for new and imaginative ways to address dramatic and varied changes in both the real estate and general business environments, the IREM proposal, called the IREM I-Learn Program, will be funded by NAR, and will include the services of an outside consultant to help move the program forward. The launch of the new system is anticipated in May of 2011.
IREM president Randall Woodbury, CPM, commenting on the organization's winning entry, said: "We applaud NAR for being so generously supportive of innovative new idea generation in our industry, and for the opportunity to transform our proposal into reality. While IREM is already recognized as the "gold standard" provider of real estate management education across the globe, we hope that the new IREM I-Learn Program will help show the way for other organizations to maintain their relevance by anticipating changes in life styles, generational influences and learning preferences for acquiring professional education, certifications and designations. Indeed, we hope that IREM I-Learn will evolve into an education delivery model for all organizations that offer professional development and related programs."
Woodbury explained that in keeping with the I-Learn program concept, IREM will provide alternative platforms and pathways to those seeking to meet the education requirements necessary to earn each of three IREM-conferred professional credentials; it will do likewise for those participating in professional development offerings not tied to a specific credentialing program. "Alternative learning platforms and pathways to be employed via I-Learn," said Woodbury, "will include self-study, webinars, smart-phone applications, imbedded video, social media and learning assessments. Expertise and best practices from academia, instructional design, technology, e- and distance learning also will be incorporated into the I-Learn knowledge delivery system."


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