Since 1977, the IREM Foundation has provided access to education and resources to assist those in the real estate management profession. The 501(3) nonprofit public charity accomplishes its goal through education, resources, diversity, and sustainability measures. Guided by the belief that well-managed real estate leads to thriving communities, we offer scholarships and grants – all in an effort to ensure that the real estate industry is managed by diverse, knowledgeable, and effective professionals.
IREM Foundation scholarships support industry professionals looking to enhance their education and are funded by generous IREM members dedicated to supporting the dreams and aspirations of fellow real estate managers.
Among the scholarship opportunities are:
• Donald M. Furbush, CPM Scholarship, established to assist recipients with the cost of tuition associated with achieving the Certified Property Manager (CPM).
• Bette Fears, ARM Scholarship, to assist recipients with the cost of tuition associated with achieving the Accredited Residential Manager (ARM) certification.
• Paul H. Rittle, Sr., Memorial Scholarship, to assist recipients with the cost of tuition associated with achieving the Accredited Commercial Manager (ACoM) certification.
• New England Past President’s Scholarship, to assist recipients with the cost of tuition associated with earning an IREM credential (either CPM, ARM, or ACoM.
• The Diversity Scholarship, to support individuals who identify as belonging to an underrepresented population in achieving career advancement through education and IREM certification.
• Robert K. and Gladys M. Beal Legacy Scholarship, to reward IREM members who demonstrate both merit and service by volunteering with their local chapter.
• Eugene Burger Scholarship for Affordable Housing, to support professionalism in the affordable housing industry.
Over the next couple months, the IREM Foundation will announce an exciting new scholarship, one that the Boston Chapter has and will continue to support financially. I wish I could tell you more about this addition to the scholarship offerings, but it’s “mums the word” until the IREM Global Summit in October!
William Woodward is the 2023 IREM Boston president and is a regional property manager with Greystar, Boston, Mass.