New England Concrete Floors offers new Hose Buddy system to help alleviate problems with radiant heat floor tubing clamps

November 19, 2007 - Construction Design & Engineering

The Hose Buddy system was invented, designed and manufactured by the sole owner of New England Concrete Floors Inc., Rick Padula.
For years concrete workers have broke their backs dragging around concrete hoses around. Moving these hoses around with the clamps on radiant heat floors, is a real nightmare. Not only are the hoses very heavy with concrete in them, but workers have to also worry about the clamps not getting caught in the radiant tubing, which can puncture the tubing instantly. Also, your standard concrete floor, slab on grade, or decking, has these issues also.
Any time that men are dragging these hoses they are getting caught in the wire mesh that is laid out on the ground before the concrete is placed.?The clamps get caught in the squares of the wire. Wire starts to move and gets in theway of pouring the concrete floor.
With the new hose buddy, radiant tubing clamps never touch the wire or your radiant heat tubing. These hose buddies glide right over your tubing on your standard wire mesh or fibermesh slab placements.
The hose buddy takes the strain off the men that have to drag these concrete filled hoses, now you can just pull it easily around with a hook or hand glide them.
New England Concrete Floors has demonstrated the hose buddy system on several different projects, in order to make sure that wire mesh, fiber mesh, radiant heat, cooler coils, etc., have no problems with the hose buddy. New England Concrete Floors used the hose buddy on a 10,000 s/f hanger building over radiant heat and it worked perfectly.


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