NH CIBOR 2011 installation of officers; Anderson president, Norwood president elect, Jean treasurer and Craven secretary

January 06, 2011 - Northern New England

Shown (from left) are: Art Slattery, Chris Norwood, Bob Anderson, Bill Jean, and Jason Craven.

The New Hampshire Commercial Investment Board of Realtors held its annual meeting and 2011 Installation of Officers at Searles Castle on December 1.

Monika McGillicuddy, 2010 president, New Hampshire Association of Realtors conducted the 2011 Installation of Officers. The following persons were installed as Officers and Directors:

President - Robert Anderson
President-Elect - Chris Norwood
Treasurer - William Jean
Secretary - Jason Craven, Esq.
Immediate Past President - Arthur Slattery
Director - Beth Chea
Director - Mark Dickey
Director - Thomas Duffy
Director - Jason Garland
Director - John Jackman
Director - Debra Mullen
Director - Chris Nadeau
Director - Gerry O'Connell
Director - Ronald Penn
Director - Andre Tremblay

Arthur Slattery, 2010 president NH CIBOR was honored to present NH CIBOR's 2010 President's Award to the HR Committee; Robert Anderson, Thomas Duffy and Donald Eaton for their dedication, leadership and tireless efforts to improve NH CIBOR's organization.

NH CIBOR is the Voice for Commercial Real Estate in NH, representing over five hundred Commercial Realtors and real estate professionals.


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