Appraisal & Consulting

Small business confidence will be contagious - by Valerie Pontiff

There is nothing like a rush of confidence to fuel the spirit. Associated Industries of Massachusetts tracks monthly business confidence, with both March and April clocking in just over 60, a reading consistent with an expansion and positive business conditions.

Real estate futures? Look to the stock market - by Daniel Calano

There are a lot of questions, and many opinions, regarding real estate in a post COVID life. Journalists opine; analysts study statistics; pollsters take samples; developers hire supply demand consultants, and so on. In my opinion, we can all learn something from the stock market.

Trends or transformations: Housing market and the pandemic - by Bill Pastuszek

A year ago, the economy was in a deep shutdown state. The real estate industry was despairing of signs of viability in the retail, offices and lodging sectors and looking at a looming rent payment and eviction crisis

The FED and Functional Monetary Fit - by David Kirk

The FED released in mid-March the FOMC meeting updates, the FED forecast and the Fed Beige Book summaries. All three are relatively consistent and upbeat, not without caution and qualification. All three highlight

Diminution of value appraisal problem - by Marsha Campaniello

Over the years, I have completed Diminution of Value Studies as they relate to cell towers, bike paths, ATV trails, water towers and multifamily projects. In each instance the client is trying to determine whether or not the

We are always learning - by Shaun Fitzgerald

Many, many years ago at the age of 16, a family friend – also our insurance agent – congratulated me on getting my learner’s permit. No, no, I responded, I’ve had my learner’s permit for six months

President’s message: Standard of professional practice/ethics - by John Drew

The Appraisal Institute (AI), as a leader in the field of real property valuation and an agent of change/improvement in the appraisal profession, is once again taking steps to set the highest standard of professional practice and ethics.

Getting a read on uncertain markets - recommendations - by Michele Wood

Recently, I saw a headline reporting a 136% rise in people seeking readings from online psychics, no doubt caused by the acute uncertainty that we all find ourselves in over the past 12 months. Uncertainty leads to anxiety, and in times of anxiety

CRE Consulting Corps - Making a difference - by Michael Harrington

I’m often asked what does it mean to be a CRE? Followed up by what is a CRE and what are the goals of the organization? These are all good questions and they’re questions I’ve asked myself

Interest rate, cap rate, inflation: A witches brew? - by Daniel Calano

Over the last several years, since the 2008 Great Recession and earlier, I have written individual articles about interest rates, whether they would increase, whether it would affect real estate values, investment, and cap rates.